Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Still Water Place Association Board Meeting 02/26/09

Members present: Jim & Lisa Bordner, Rick Anderson, Keith Schreffler, Juli George, Bob Bastian.

Meeting was called to order by President Jim Bordner. Treasurer Juli George gave a report of the fiscal year end for October 2007- September 2008.

Money Market $10,890.67
Checking $241.87
Certificate $5343.67 (matures 5/30/09)

Revenue Fiscal 08/09 to date:
Deposits to MM October to February total $25,958.08

Current Expenditures from Checking 10/08 to 2/09 were:
Epco Financial $550
Lawnzilla - $7826.25
Electricity - $746.16
Insurance $683.00
Sandy Smith $126 (reimbursed for newsletter postage)
Rick Anderson $10 (reimbursed for salt barrels replaced)
Office Depot $57.87 (printing of newsletter)

Total expenditures 10/1/08-2/27/09 = $9,999.28

Julie reported on Money Market earnings with the total on deposit at $25,958.08 as of September 2008
$26,643.75 as of 2/27/09

Julie reported on the homes that have not paid dues as of today. There are 10 homes that will have liens placed on them within the next two months. A $200 dues payment made by cashier’s check was given to Epco to deposit three weeks ago, but they have not deposited this cashier’s check to our account yet. Juli will contact Epco in writing and provide a deadline. Other issues were brought to the board’s attention regarding Epco’s poor performance. Juli will include our expectation per our contract and give a short deadline for compliance. If job performance is not improved immediately, a new accountant will be chosen. To prepare for such potential, Juli will find and share the current contract. New bids will be requested by board members to match the current contract. And the board will meet in late March or early April to determine if further action is warranted.

Julie recommended and board agreed that we add the cost of filing the liens into this year’s budget ($1,250). This cost will eventually be recovered when homes sell.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Bordner, Secretary