Monday, April 13, 2009

Minutes of the Still Water Place Association Board Meeting

April 8, 2009

Members present: Rick Anderson, Bob Bastian Jim Bordner, Lisa Bordner, Juli George.

Guests: Bill Dick & Alex Babbage

Jim Bordner called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m.

Jim followed up with past request for information. He had asked the SWPA lawyer about final notice protocol before placing liens. We are not required to issue 3 notices. Juli was directed to go forward with placing liens on those homes which are delinquent and send notice to those residents of this action. Juli stated the law allows for the fees charged for placing liens to be recaptured in addition to the past dues owed.

Because of severe cost overruns by the previous landscaper, the board voted at the last meeting to obtain new quotes and cancel our existing contract. This has been done. Juli invited the lowest bidder to present detail to the board for review. Bill Dick and Alex Babbage provided details and answered questions to the satisfaction of the board.

Bill’s Lawn was informed that there was a tree down by the pond. Bill said they would be walking the common areas to pick up and ready for the pre-emergent treatment to follow very soon. They were also made aware of an area that has drainage issues. Bill’s will evaluate and let the board know what they recommend and the cost. The board may elect to do some or all of the work to save costs.

The board has elected to scale back the weed/feed treatments and to reduce the number of mowings to save the association money and avoid raising dues. Alex Babbage is subcontracted through Bill’s Lawn & Landscaping LLC to remove snow.

There was a motion by Bob Bastian and a second by Rick Anderson to accept Bill’s Lawn & Landscaping LLC as Still Water Place Association’s new service. The motion passed unanimously and a contract was signed. This action saved the residents of Still Water Place Association approximately $9,000 to $10,000. Also, residents will receive a discount if using Bill’s Lawn & Landscaping LLC for their own personal yard and/or snow needs.

Next topic was follow-up on the Accounting issues. To recap - Juli had been unable to get a response from the Accountant after several emails and phone calls over a month’s time. The secretary made contact with the firm and a meeting was set for April 6th. The accountant had his secretary cancel at the last minute. The president picked up reports the account had left at his office and the details were examined and discussed.

After much deliberation, the board decided that the secretary would request that the accountant provide copies of the last two year’s of deposits. There is a discrepancy between statements and a two or three residents. Appropriate action will follow this discovery and a report will be made to the board. Juli George offered to assume the duties of the Accountant after we receive accurate reporting. The board voted on several actions: To move the Association’s bank account from Tower to Chase, to add a requirement for two signers on checks, and to buy Director and Officer insurance as is standard for all nonprofit and association boards of our size. The board also decided to research and gather bids concerning property liability insurance.

Jim stated he contacted the County Auditors office and learned that an up to date list of homeowners can be obtained for $50. The board voted unanimously to pay for the updated list.

Juli noted that previous minutes failed to record board action to elect Lisa as secretary. Therefore, there was a motion (Juli) and second (Rick) to officially nominate Lisa Bordner to the office of Secretary for the Still Water Place Association. The motion passed unanimously.

Juli mentioned the Association Garage Sale, which is scheduled for May 15 and 16 to coincide with Arlington. Lisa stated this information was on the Association’s web page along with dirt day to be announced:

It was felt that Dirt Day should happen in April or May – but June was too late. With all the board action required on weighty issues to save money and avoid raising dues, (landscaping, accounting, garage sale) there was no one left with free time to organize dirt day. The item was tabled for later action.

Bob Bastian stated residents have been calling with questions and he would like to pay a student to hand deliver copies of the Still Water Place Association Architectural Guidelines. The cost of delivery is $65, which is less than postage would be ($131.04). The president will include a letter and the secretary’s minutes. The board voted unanimous approval. The board will follow-up in email on pending actions, and will meet again in the near future.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Bordner