November 8, 2008
The meeting was called to order by outgoing president Ron Coffelt. In his opening remarks, Ron noted that recent home sales in Stillwater indicated that values were holding well here despite the recent news on housing prices.
The Board discussed the association’s year-end statement and tax situation. The taxes paid on our cash surplus in 2007 will likely come back to us in 2008, and The Board will be looking into methods of encouraging greater compliance with association dues in 2008.
There was a detailed discussion about the possibility of adding Stop and No Outlet signs at several intersections throughout the addition. This is a detailed process requiring evaluation of the intersections by the City of Fort Wayne. The Board agreed that steps would be taken in the coming year to begin this process, but advised that results should not be expected quickly.
This was followed by a discussion about Still Water’s covenants and architectural guidelines. The Board wants residents to know that these covenants are in place to help us all maintain the highest possible property value, and that we will be looking into the possibility of revising and consolidating covenants for the addition. Current covenants and guidelines can be seen on this website:
Our final open discussion was on lawn care and snow removal. It was agreed that our current service had done a reasonably good job, but that cost overruns (for increased prices for gasoline and fertilizer) should have been reported to the association in a timelier manner. As this represents our largest expense, the Board will be looking into ways to reduce our costs very early in 2009.
Finally, a show-of-hands election was held for new board officers. Your new officers are: Jim Bordner, president; Jeff Musick, vice-president; Juli George, treasurer; and Lisa Bordner, acting secretary. The association offers a sincere thank you to our outgoing officers for their many years of service. Several residents expressed interest in serving in the coming year, and we thank them as well.
Jim Bordner