Trees: There are a number of dead trees in common areas due to the drought. Still Water does not have irrigation in Common Areas. Dead trees will be removed and, if approved by the board, new trees will be planted at the proper time of year. The board will discuss any potential for irrigation.
A paper newsletter is almost finished and ready for mailing.
Liens: Final notices are going out this week to homeowners who are behind in paying their Association Dues. Liens will be filed in early September and filing charges and fees will be passed on to the appropriate residents.
Mosquitoes: David Fiess of the Allen County Health Department reminded neighborhoods to help reduce the mosquito population and related health issues by:
- Cleaning clogged gutters (mosquitoes only need ¼” of water to breed)
- Cutting high grass
- Drip pans under plants can hold stagnant water
- Old tires should be recycled or stored in your garage because water pools inside and creates a great breeding ground for mosquitoes