Still Water Place Community Association
Annual Homeowners Association Meeting
November 13, 2010
Board Members present:
Bob Bastian
Jeff Musick
Jim Bordner
Lisa Bordner
Pam Conrad Kleber
Rick Anderson
Keith Schreffler
Sandy Smith
Copies of the Agenda, previous annual meeting minutes, current financial report, map of Association by section and lot number, and by-laws were available for homeowners.
Jim Bordner called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. He provided an introduction to the Treasurer, Pam Conrad Kleber, who presented the Associations Fianancial Report for the Period of October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010. Total revenue for the period included a balance forward of $25,993.29 and Homeowner dues of $26,536.21 for a total revenue of $52,639.32. Total expenses for the same period were $20,749.01 leaving an excess of $31,890.31. This is the second year for an improvement in operating costs and bottom line. The Treasurer’s Financial Reports were approved as presented.
Pam was elected Treasurer by the Board in April 2010 taking over for the previous Treasurer, Juli George, who moved away. The President recognized Pam for having done a great job. Pam has computerized reporting and created expense item detail to make it easier to compare line item costs from year to year. Pam shared a list of Homeowners whose dues were past due. A resident suggested that we add a due date to all invoices in the future.
Pam married during the past year and she and her husband plan to move away. Pam has agreed to remain Treasurer through the end of the calendar year. However, Still Water Association will need a new Treasurer at January 1, 2011. The Board recommended current Board Member, Jeff Musick, to take over as Treasurer in January 2011. This was approved by a vote of the Homeowners. (see proposed slate of officers).
The president gave his report:
First: I’d like to remind you that your Association Board is a group of volunteers.
We do this by maintaining the common areas, and by acting as watchdogs, so to speak, to make sure that visible home improvements conform to the architectural covenants. This is not always a pleasant job.
Promoted the positive – This summer the Board encouraged residents to take pride in their neighborhood with our Yard of The Month campaign. Promoted in the newsletter, website, and on the entrance sign. We awarded monthly $25 gift certificates to Menard’s and placed a YOM yard sign. The Board plans to continue this practice in 2011.
In early 2009, we realized our maintenance costs were extremely high, and we hired a new landscape and snow removal company (Bill’s Lawn & Landscape). We’ve now been working with them for one entire 12-month cycle. They’re not only saving us money, but doing a great job, including quick response to complaints or requests. We are their largest client and they treat us as such.
This Board has worked hard to keep Association Dues low. Ours are among the lowest in the city. However, dues are mandatory (copy of by-laws were available). More aggressive collection of back dues and less expensive collection methods when normal methods fail are proving successful. Help us keep a close eye on properties for sale, We crosscheck them against our database.
The website: http://Still contains tons of information. Maps, architectural approval forms, architectural covenants, minutes of annual meetings, announcements of events, and soon the Association by-laws and articles of incorporation will be up there, too. Information on contacting the city street department, animal control, and SWP Board are on the right column. Residents should start there for information.
At last year’s meeting and throughout his year, we heard a lot from residents about traffic safety. To that end…
We contacted the City and requested a Traffic Evaluation. The result is that stop signs were placed at intersections deemed appropriate.
The median strip at the front entrance was painted with bright yellow paint.
We continue to look for ways to make the area safer. Residents are responsible for following the speed limit and driving safely.
Working with Title Companies and closing agents when neighborhood properties sell has been an effective collection method. It can be extremely time consuming, but worth the effort. We will be sending information through Bob to all Title Companies each Spring from now on.
Dirt Day was rained out twice and cancelled. We’ll talk after this report and get homeowner suggestions to continue trying to offer this, or to offer something else.
Block “C” and Vince Tippman - A brief explanation was provided about how Melody homes retained ownership of one of the common areas which was sold at tax sale without our knowledge and purchased by Mr. Tippman. Board member, Bob Bastian, put in a lot of personal time addressing this issue over several months (researching the property title, legal options, and reasonable sale price). Tipman tried, in vain, to charge fees to the Association and threatened to allow the land to be used in ways neighbors would find disturbing if we didn’t pay the amount he wanted. In the end, the Board, through Bob, reduced the sale price to a reasonable amount. The sale was final and Still Water Place now owns Block “C” as it does all other common areas in the Association. (maps of the Association by section were available to those who attended the meeting and have been on the SWP web page for 3 years.
Sheds, flagpoles, etc… all this comes under heading of existing covenants. To change covenants according to the by-laws, requires the signatures of 75% of homeowners before they can be changed. Writing new covenants will require a lot of volunteers, their time, and Association money, along with legal advice and filings. Getting those signatures won’t be easy. However, because interest in having sheds, which are prohibited by our covenants, has been repeatedly brought to the Board’s attention, we will be talking early in 2011 about what changes would need to be made. Any homeowners interested in helping should contact the Board. The Board will attempt to draft standards that can be presented to the homeowners along with a petition to gather signatures necessary before attempting to amend the covenants. We will also be looking for residents to help us gather the required signatures, so we’ll be looking for block captains. As we get closer to any action, there will be a mailing to alert all residents.
Because our primary focus is maintaining property values, rest assured that if the covenants are changed to allow sheds, there will be strict guidelines.
There are some really simple things you can do to help:
• Pay your dues
• Encourage others to do so – every dollar your neighbor doesn’t pay brings us closer to raising YOUR dues
• Please keep your cars off the street, especially in winter…snow removal is very difficult with cars left in the street, and we do have a lot of kids in the neighborhood who get lulled into a false sense of safety by the low traffic.
In conclusion - this has been a good year for the Association. We’ve addressed nearly all issues from the previous year’s annual meeting and more. We did some serious financial rebuilding in 2009, and in 2010 we’re seeing things become more stable. We hope to continue to work through 2011 to help everyone maintain the value you’ve worked so hard to put into your homes.
Bob heads the Architectural Committee and asked that residents call him if they have questions. He provided information on several recent actions. A light pole in one of the common areas had a bulb recently replaced thanks to neighbors calling us about it. Home on Maple Valley Drive was condemned. Bob is working with Code Enforcement. There is a $360 fine that doubles every 60 days. Bob is a Realtor. Normally property for sale that is not selling can bring down home values for an entire area. Still Water Place is not experiencing this.
Boats and campers are not allowed to be stored on your property or in the street. Those in violation will be reported and any appropriate action taken. City Code Enforcement does not allow playing basketball in the street – some folks have the portable hoops and they need to be in the driveway.
Security and police reports are good for our area – a recent arrest was made which resolved some past theft in the area. In order for police to go onto private property, such as our Association Common Areas, they need a letter of authority from the Board to give permission.
(Homeowners present overwhelmingly asked that we do this).
Flags. USA Flags may be displayed, but law states Associations may create guidelines to avoid giant flags, inappropriate placement, excessive lighting, etc. Ask the Board if you have questions. The Board will draw up guidelines for residents to follow. We don’t want to discourage US Flags, just to keep it within a set of reasonable expectations. No other flags are permitted or protected by Federal law.
The architectural guidelines are on the webpage – or contact Bob and he will mail or drop off the form. Any fencing, roofing, building, of any kind must be approved by the SWP Architectural Committee. Almost all requests are approved. Building Permits are separate and do not guarantee SWP Architectural Committee approval. We’re here to help and sometimes we’ve alerted people that the potential workmen are not licensed/bonded or correctly performing work - saving homeowners money and inconvenience.
Shane Elmore mentioned that snow was pushed in front of the fire hydrant by his home. The Board will mention this to Bill’s.
Shane also had questions about sidewalks that have pushed up or dropped down creating walking hazards.
• Bob provided information we’ve received from the City when asking about this. Sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowner. Neither the City or the Association is required to make repairs or assume liability. However, if the homeowner gets a quote for repair and contacts the City and get’s approval from the City first, the city has in the past paid 40% and the homeowner pays 60%.
• Rick and Bob both recommended A-1 Concrete. They can perform “mud jacking” where concrete is pumped under sunken sidewalk sections. It is relatively inexpensive. They recommend that anyone with a sidewalk issue call Bob or Rick and get on a list. The Board will ask for a quote from A-1. If all the work was done at once and submitted for approval to the City – the cost would less.
Jean Roads asked who is responsible for maintaining the fence between Cherry Hill and Still Water?
• Bob said Cherry Hill is – it’s their fence. In the Spring, we can look at the fence and contact Cherry Hill if there are problems.
Open discussion about Dirt Day and possible alternatives. What would homeowners find most valuable to help with their springtime sprucing up? Suggestions were:
• Maybe Mulch instead of dirt?
• Bags of each instead of mounds?
• Annual flower flats?
One resident mentioned that visitors cannot find Still Water if they come from the East. Could we put up another sign on the other side?
• Space might prohibit another sign. We use the other side for our announcement Board. Could you tell visitors to turn right at the 3rd at the first Stoplight from Highway 37?
Another resident mentioned that the common area at Block C has drainage problems.
• The Board will ask Bill’s and another company to look at the area in the Spring and provide bids to correct this problem.
One resident felt the play set needs to be tightened.
• This will be addressed in the Spring, as well.
Adam Smith asked what could be done to promote a stronger sense of community.
• Jim responded that past social events had only a handful of people participating and required a lot of work and expense to present. Families are working and busy with school and after school activities, church and clubs. Homeowner reaction to Dirt Day and other investments have been much stronger.
What about block parties? What are the City rules about Block Parties?
• The Board would not coordinate those – but we could encourage Block Parties in the Spring newsletter and provide the City’s guidelines. – Perhaps suggesting that everyone plan for a specific month like July.
Steve Benet askd if we would send more frequent newsletters.
• A few years ago, the Board that was active at that time were running in the red. They had to cut costs and Lisa created the free web blog to help provide lots of information to the Association. We send out a Spring newsletter to everyone and annual meeting notice in the fall. The rest of the communication has been by web. We can look into the projected budget and see if we can afford to send information more often.
Discussion about low attendance this year (8 homeowners and 7 Board members). Last year it was even worse. Only 4 homeowners attended along with the Board. We offered free sandwiches and soda this year to encourage more people.
Maybe because there is a sports game starting on TV?
Maybe because of day and time?
• The Board members mentioned that annual meetings have been held on Saturday afternoon, and weeknights. In the last 6 years or more, it is always a small turnout.
Bev & Richard Geist shared a problem with a neighbor. They were also wondered if there was a need to start a Neighborhood Watch program.
• Bob Bastian shared a few stories of minor theft. Jim mentioned the recent arrest and the fact that our Police Liaison officer makes regular reports, and we are a very very low crime area. People should lock their doors, lock cars that are outside – and better yet – park in the garage.
What about ‘Kids Dart’ signs?
• We can check into that – but the reality is – people who live in the neighborhood need to slow down. Talk to you neighbors if they speed. Face to face is what makes it happen.
Bev & Richard feel that we should provide welcome packets to new neighbors. Maybe go door to door with pictures of the Board members. He’d be willing to work on this.
According to the by-laws, the Homeowners elect the Board members and the Board elects the officers. The Board members and their slate of officers were presented to the Homeowners & Board for vote – including the addition of Bev and Richard Geist as Members At Large. The votes were unanimous to accept the board as presented and officers as presented to serve for another year.
Officers elected are as shown below:
Jim Bordner, President and Member of the Architectural Committee
Bob Bastian, Vice President and Chair of Architectural Committee
Jeff Musick, Treasurer
Lisa Bordner, Secretary
Pam Conrad Kleber – leaving Board
Rick Anderson, Co-Chair Architectural Committee
At Large Members
Keith Schreffler
Sandy Smith
Bev Geist
Richard Geist
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Bordner,