Still Water Place Association
Annual Meeting
November 7, 2009
Board Members present were Jim & Lisa Bordner, Jeff Musick, Rick Anderson, Juli George, Bob Bastian, Sandy Smith, and Pam Conrad.
An Agenda and slate of officers were available for all who attended, and copies of the Association’s financial report prepared by Epco were also available.
Jim Bordner called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The treasurer, Juli George, gave her report for the period ending September 30, 2009.
Still Water Accounts as of September 30, 2009
$484.75 in checking
$25,468.54 in Money Market
Expenses were detailed by Juli:
The beginning balances as of Oct 1,2008 were as follows:
Checking account: $241.07, Money Market Savings: $10,890.67, CD $5343.67
The total being $16,475.41.
Lawnzilla from October 2008 – February 2009 = $7,826.25
Bill’s Lawn from April 2009 – September = $7,410
Epco Accounting - $110/mo = $1,320
I&M Power 12 months = $2,007.27
Lawyer = $100
Insurance = $683
Misc = $490.53
Total Expenses $19,837.05
Jim reminded everyone that the 2008 fiscal year had ended with $6,110 more in expenses than dues received. When this board took over, they immediately went to work cutting expenses. We hired a new lawn/snow service that began in April, and we worked to reduce expenses so that we are in a much better position now.
Goals and accomplishments:
1) Avoid moving to a management company.
2) Improve dues collection
3) Examine performance of vendors
a. Retained Accountant and improved service
b. Replaced lawn/snow vendor
4) Previously used small claims court to collect – but it was time consuming and not productive.
a. Contact Realtors and Closing Agencies to improve collection of dues
b. Bob went door to door
5) Switched from Tower Bank to Chase which offers free checking, less postage
6) Responded to residents’ requests for no-soliciting issue, and traffic speed
a. Installed sign at front entrance
b. Requested city traffic engineer who will perform a traffic analysis and make recommendations
7) Communicate with residents more, but with less cost
a. Began SWP web page which includes contact information and phone numbers for most frequently needed info: animal control, street lights, etc.
b. Added board member names and contact info
c. Added downloadable PDFs on the web of covenants, association map, and architectural guidelines and form
d. Call to action reminders – dirt day, meetings/mailings, etc.
Jim stated that because the board has created a better financial picture, we will be able to do some things for the association as a whole in 2010. We always have an association garage sale, and we can add back the popular Dirt Day. The board asked for input on some issues previously discussed by members to gain resident opinion. We could offer our own Tox-Away day and have dumpster(s) in the Association. Those present thought this was a great idea. Lisa will gather costs and share with the board.
Question - How Many Residents haven’t paid? Answer – a small number – thanks to the hard work of Bob Bastian who went door to door to those homes that had not paid. Huge thank you to Bob for his success. We are also collecting more because we are working with realtors and closing companies.
Question - Can we put the Lot # of people who haven’t paid in a newsletter? Answer – there are legal concerns about naming individuals – however, the board will look into this again. It was suggested that we include a disclaimer, “Our records indicate the Association dues have not been received for the following lot numbers___. Should your records show otherwise, please call ____. If not, please sent your payment to____.
Pam mentioned that we used to have an Association Directory. Several people thought this would be a welcome item and a few people volunteered to help create a directory in 2010.
A suggestion was made that the web page be on the front sign.
Jim provided feedback about crime from past President, Ron Cofelt, who is our association liaison officer. There was very little crime in our neighborhood. Ron said to encouraged residents to leave yard lights on at night and to lock cars and homes.
Someone suggested that our front entrance be better defined – easier to tell where the lanes are – maybe paint the median with a bright color.
Someone asked about who is responsible for upkeep of curbs and sidewalks. Jim stated that homeowners are responsible for upkeep to sidewalks and driveways. A less expensive repair of sunken sidewalk areas is with infusion of concrete pumped underneath. Report crumbling curbs to the street department.
Jim presented the slate of officers to everyone present and asked for a vote of the resident body.
Jim Bordner, President
Jeff Musick, Vice President
Juli George, Treasurer
Pam Conrad, Assistant Treasurer
Lisa Bordner, Secretary
Rick Anderson, Architectural Committee
Bob Bastian, Architectural Committee
Sandy Smith & Keith Schreffler, At Large
The slate of officers was unanimously approved.
The board was thanked for doing a good job – which was very appreciated and nice to hear. We are all proud of our neighborhood.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Bordner
SWP Secretary