Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Annual Meeting Minutes

Still Water Home Owner’s Association Annual Meeting

November 16, 2011

6:45 p.m. Call to order by Jim Bordner
Board introduced itself to residents.

Previous minutes of annual meeting 2010 had been approved and distributed via web and summary in letter to residents in early 2011.

Treasurer’s report for Period of October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011. 
Ck. $26,761.31   Sv. $22,017.30  Less account payable for legal fees. 
Details of this year’s expenses were shared in a report handed out to those in attendance.
Tippmann expense explained.
Dues were due 10/31/11.  So far collected about $20,000 and should be about $30,000 which excludes any previous past due.

Question about X-mas lights paid in July.  Explained.
Motion to accept Treasurer’s report was made by Bob Bastian and seconded by Steven Neuenswander.  Passed unanimously.

President’s report
Accomplishments from 2011

Goals for 2011 – guard property values, maintain the common areas, making sure visible home improvements meet the Architectural Guidelines, maintaining solvency of the association.  We have a solid surplus now.  We can move beyond just the basic maintenance things to take on some improvements to the neighborhood. 

Yard of the Month Club update: $25 gift card to Menards were distributed May-August.  Pond maintenance was improved and we contracted with Aquatic management.  We had pond lights fixed.  Dead trees are a major issue (draught and Ash trees) – 26 dead or dying trees.  It’s going to be a big expense, roughly $3,000 to $6,000.  We hope to get some down before the snow, late fall, may have to wait to spring.  You can email to us and we’ll be sure it’s on the list.  The gazebo being stained and repaired.  Bob Bastian reported it was delayed due to another big job that came in.  Requires 60 degrees for a couple days to stain. 

Architectural Committee Report (by Bob Bastian): Very busy this year.  We appreciate that residents are contacting us early on before the work is done.  We are watching the vacant houses and reporting. 

Dues collection has been stepped up.  Rough times, but putting systems in place for gathering back dues.  Foreclosures are bad.  So we will regain in most cases but not all.  Board will release of liens after the full amount and filing fees have been paid, or after recaptured at sale of home.

Misc. expenses – the street sign due to accident, the one at Running Brook & Fountainhead.  In addition to general liability, we are now covered by Director and Officer insurance.

Dirt Day will return in 2012.  Weather was the reason for canceling 3 times in 2011.

Play sets in common areas:  Repair begun, bad parts removed.  The second playset will likely be replaced.

Revision of covenants can happen but will take a lot of work and time. Will require help from residents.  Discussions continuing through 2012.  End of Architectural Committee Report.

Board development.  Jim needs to step down at end of the 2012 term.  So we need new people to train and develop them so they are ready to take over.  If you have talents and strengths to maintain property values and increase pride in the neighborhood.

Help with the general effort – pay your dues.  Encourage neighbors to pay their dues.  Every dollar that doesn’t get paid increases your chance that your dues will go up. 

More from Bob:
75% of property owners to change the covenants.  Cost gets crazy.  Give your ideas to Rick A.
6 properties vacant – 2 filed bankruptcy. 
4 that we need to nail down
2 Chase Bank
1 Bank of America
1 we don’t know.
Our property values are still holding.  One at the pond sold for 6K less than expected.
Worst ones are rentals because they take less care.  Our values are holding up.
We have a lot of rotation in property, but they are moving.

Q/A & Misc. Comments:

Q. Cathedral Oaks resident is two houses from the curve. Cars come barreling down, when backing out, it is dangerous. 
A. Discussion of 3-way stop at Basswood & Cathedral.  Another trouble area is Running Brook & Copper Creek.

Jim mentioned low crime – police liaison.  Traffic study was done. Encourage police to write tickets.

Crumbling curbs – resident pays 60% and city will pay 40%.  You have to pay a year in advance.
Lights that stay on instead of going off in daytime, call and report to city.  Most are on the NW side.   

Common Areas.  We’re discussing moving one swing set closer – and on this side of the creek.  Maybe beautify the area. 

Q.  Boats, how long can they sit there? 
A. 9 days max.

Q.  Lions gate has a dead end and no cul de sac.  Can they get a dead end sign? 
A. Board to check.

Q.  Can we have basketball hoops in the cul de sac or street? 
A.  No.  It’s against local law.  Bob added that it’s also a safety issue.  We on the board have no control over it, but the police will be out this spring and enforce.  If the basketball court faces the street – that’s illegal – it’s against the law.  The police will ticket and fine them.  If anyone is hurt, you can be sued.

Q.  Brenda S. asked if people can play basketball on their property? 
A. Yes, IF--- it is in their own driveway and faces toward the house or sideways.  It cannot be anchored. 

Q. Cars that block both sides of the street cause hazards, can we do anything?  A. Ray said Yes, they have to leave 13’ for cars to pass through.  If

Q.  Can we please remind people to pick up the dog poo when walking their dogs and when at the Park areas at Still Water?  A. Yes – we can add this to the newsletter mailing in the Spring.

Q. Adam S. – What are the reasons for the covenant and/or architectural changes?
A. To address flags, sheds, solar panels, satellite dishes, renting.

Board presented its slate of officers for member Vote, asking homeowners to vote to retain current slate of officers.  Vote was unanimous – current board will be retained as follows:

Jim Bordner, President
Bob Bastian, Vice President
Jeff Musick, Treasurer
Lisa Bordner, Secretary
Rick Anderson – at large and Chair of Architectural Committee

Closing remarks and adjournment
Board interest - Steven Neuenswander.  Great!!  Thank you.  Contact the secretary to learn more about board meeting dates throughout the year – separate from Annual Meeting. Bordner.lisa@gmail.com

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Bordner, Secretary
Still Water Place Homeowners Association