The Still Water Place Board members will be meeting in the coming weeks to discuss various issues and set the date for our Spring Association-wide Garage Sale. We normally try to have ours the same time as Arlington.
We will also determine whether we have sufficient funds to offer a Mulch Day. We will continue to discuss potential legal changes to our bylaws to allow sheds, if they meet requirements (as yet to be designed). If sheds are an issue important to you - please contact board members on the Architectural committee (see right column) and provide your name and address, and whether or not you would be willing to help in canvassing for signatures to support changes.
If you have crumbling curbs in front of your home - or in front of your neighbor's home -- please contact the secretary weekdays at 421-1375 or and provide the exact address. All addresses will be given to the City's Street Department. They have to look at it and determine if it is an issue for which the City will pay, or if it is the homeowner's responsibility.